Friday, June 17, 2011

Writing and Music

So I've been writing my story Aniards which is a world where people have Animal DNA in them. I've been developing it more and differing it from when I roleplayed a possible storyline. I've also changed the world, such as continents and other kingdoms. The rankings are the same but with added families and characters. Though the main two girls are the same, Netallia and Jierra, along with their distant relatives William and Lily and their family.

SO glad for auto save drafts!!!!!!

Anyway back to the story as I interruptly went back a page and nearly lost everything I had written....

Netallia is the main character, this time younger and colder. Not sure if I'll give her an old friend like in the role-play version but I'll try it out. Of course it'll be different from that version as that was influenced by others and I plan to make this story completely my own.

I do find writing possible scenes helps me wrap my mind around what could happen and how the characters would act in another situation.

Anyway that was the writing portion of this vlog.

While writing I find listening to music is nice as it acts like background music to a scene in a movie, helps set the mood unless you're writing a tense scene while listening to some random club music :P

That's why I use my 'Apple Love' and 'Black Tears' and 'Recently Added' playlist, cause that tends to be more like the storyline tone however in the Recently Added, it's more random so it's a bit hard to write but I usually just end up tuning it out then when I start listening to it again it's music that matches the scene. :)

Happy Summer!

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