Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I got bored and decied to search up"hamster" images on Google. Here are a few:

They're so cute. I had two, Simba and Snuffles. Simba was found on a neighbor's yard and given to us by a neighbor asking around who wants a hamster. He had a little mane and very cute. I don't remember him too much cause it was a long time ago. Snuffles was given to us by one of my mom's students. He was smaller in size and had a more natural coat of gray/white/black, similar to the one in the bottom right in the last picture of them "kissing." He walked and wiggled which was funny. He also bit everyone including my mom, my friend, and her mom. He never bit me though, I also played with him more and talked to him. However there is an increase of him biting me cause I had food and interacted with him more contrary that he was more familar with me, but he has licked me and a few others once or twice probably only my mom as the "others". It always freaked me out cause it was ticklely.
I miss having a hamster or any rodent... I only have a cat, snake, fish, two frogs, and guiena pig. We do call the possum that occasionally comes around in our backyard "Pete" and my dad feeds him like the ducks at the golf course...
Unlike my dad I make the cat do tricks for pieces of chicken. Fat cat... But cute :)

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