Wednesday, February 23, 2011


It's not 'practice makes perfect' but 'perfect practice makes perfect' accoridng to my drama teacher. If you keep messing up, it becomes a bad habit.

Ballerinas must always be perfect, whether with shoes, hair, make up, or art form. It's part of their job.

According to Alyson Shontell's article, 'Ways Your Appearance Affects Your Paycheck' (Feb 21, 2011; 9:07am). The better looking and more fit you are, there is a slight increse in pay.

When writing a paper for whatever reason, you check it and check it and revise it. Close enough to perfection so that its acceptable to publish.

Celebrities are compared to another to determine the sexiest one of the year.

It's easy to shread someone when you think of perfection. It's a lot harder to not in our time.

It's harder to not be so perfect.

It's harder to be nice than mean in some opinions.

Anyway, I accept I'm not perfect at being perfect. Even though I do have moments when I go to that dark place of the mind where you just hate yourself. That's okay, just remember no one's perfect.

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